Sunday, February 4, 2007

Birthday (Fish) Cakes for the Spectacled Bears

Got to see Nikki the Spectacled Bear for the first time since his arrival. I'd heard he was overweight and I found today that people were not exaggerating!! He's already lost about 8 pounds and has maybe 100 more to go. I was rather shocked to hear that a large part of his diet at his previous home was made up of marshmallows!!! I don't think he'll be seeing many of those any time soon. There was a birthday celebration for the other spectacled bear - she got a nice birthday cake full of veggies and fish. Nikki, next door, got one, too, though not as large.

Weasy, the small-clawed Asian otter received some presents from a concerned zoogoer, a couple of little beds. She remained at the small mammal house for some time to see if the otter would make use of them but it wasn't until she left that the otter climbed into one.

I saw that there were a couple of Meerkats in a separate enclosure than all the rest. It turned out that, similar to what happened in Meerkat Manor, one of the secondary females had given birth to an offspring and the others went after her. So she and her young one will be off to another zoo soon.

Was happy to see Luke the Lion again. Got some video of him playing along the trough near the moat.